jueves, 9 de abril de 2015

Mis aprendizajes de una segunda lengua

             Information and learning of the second language

El ingles se podria colocar como uno de los idiomas claves para el comercio mundial o generalmente para la comunicacion en todo el mundo, Para muchos este idioma no es sencillo de aprender ya que rompe muchas estructuras del idioma y esto suele ser muy revoltoso para una persona que no tiene ni idea de este idioma. Aunque este idioma suele ser confuso de pronunciar y entender ahi distintos metodos que nos pueden llegar a tener una fluidez mas grata en este idioma tan extenso pero sencillo, Una de las claves para aprender este idioma y espero que al leyente no se le olvide es: "Practica" pero porque la practica es vital en el ingles? Facil y es porque sino tratas de hablar este idioma, Leerlo, escucharlo y a identificarlo como una segunda lengua en nuestro cerebro nunca podremos llegar a dominar este idioma y me atrevo a decir que ningun idioma. Como vemos anteriormente sin la practica nunca podremos aprender este idioma pero sabes algunos metodos que te pueden llegar a servir para aprender este idioma y a practicarlo diariamente. El aprendizaje podria ver siendo que un individuo se apropia de un conocimiento en sus distintas dimensiones: Actitudes, Procedimientos, Conceptos y Valores. Y todo esto se junta para una forma de vida cotidiana practica y aprendiendo algo distinto cada dia y esto puede encajar perfecto con el ingles. Todos los conceptos que maneje en esta introduccion se veran plasmados adelante en estos metodos y consejos que yo mismo pude plasmar en mi vida.Y recuerden que el ingles es algo que se debe aprender en tu vida cotidiana y que te puede llevar tiempo pero uno debe estar identificando todo lo que te rodea en algo nuevo apoyandote con el Ingles.

 En mis metodos de aprendizaje para una segunda lengua yo no segui mis metodos muy al pie de la letra pero trate de aplicarlos en mi vida cotidiana en cosas como escuchar musica en ingles y tratar de pronunciar lo que el artista me dice y para luego buscar la letra. Ver peliculas en ingles con subtitulos tambien es muy bueno para mi ya que llega cuando existen dialogos tanto basicos como complicados, es bueno ver peliculas solo en ingles sin subtitulos cuando uno ya se sabe de memoria una pelicula.En mi caso yo estudio en ingles en una escuela particular en la que me ayuda tanto a practicar como repasar lo que ya he aprendido. En lo que resta de este post te mostrare algunos metodos y consejos que yo he llegado a utilizar y que me han sido de ayuda de los cuales espero que te sean utiles.......

 De ahora en adelante veras mis metodos en ingles...
              Listen to English Music 

To listen to music our English can help us in great way to fortalezer and is necessary to seize a great fluency and understanding. It tries to see also subqualified videos of the music that you taste and try to observe the subqualified letter to listen to the music and like that you can  to see and to listen to the pronunciation so much in English as Spanish. Other one of the things that you can manage to do is to seek for the letter of the song that you like and to extract the words that you do not understand and to look for his meaning in English or Spanish.
  • tries to listen to music in English if you are a person who listens to music in another language.
  • tries to sing the song to that you are listening though idiot sounds but little by little you are going to declaring better the letter.
  • listens to songs with sticky and simple choirs but simultaneously with a letter that has words that you do not understand.
In the personal thing, I me work this method but I remove time to understand that I am saying when I sing what I like but everything is a question of time.....

Example:Wiz Khalifa - See you again

Watch English Movies

see movies is one of the best ways of the English learns and it is because in them you can find a great variety of dialogues so much dialogues complicated as the basic mas. This technology is very advisable since it increases the fluency and the memory of our brain. One can see the movies that it wants and extract very much profit to it while it sees different necessary expressions in the English.
  • It sees movies in English with subtitles and make attention great to since interact the prominent figures.
  • tries to see the movies that already you you know of memory but this time in alone English with subtitles in English.
  • tries to declare the phrases that mas you liked in the movie and sees treating to learn as they are said correctly little by little.
This method uses me as great way since I can I learn many expressions that can be royal in the daily life and can learn many dialogues and senses of sentences.
Recommendations: American Sniper
                               Capitan America: The Winter Soldier
                               The Judge
                               Big Hero 6
                               Star Wars: Episode III - The revenge of Sith

Practise Orally

One of the parts mas important is the power to practise and to speak or to begin conversations with another person that also English practises or also you can to speak with a relative who already dominates this language. Since I said previously the practice it is important to dominate and to reach a level of English and the conversations  you them go away to finding in any part and the alone English gives you the international tool in order that you could communicate.

tries to declare what you have to say and if you are wrong do not lose heart just only see in that word you were wrong and corrects. 

tries to begin conversations with someone who already dominates the language like that the he can to see in that you declared badly and to could correct you. 

If you have the opportunity to study in an Englishman's school HE REPRESENTS it was reinforcing more the fluency and with qualified teachers who were helping you to reinforce and learn new things of this language.
     I personally apply this method in many sides of my life as; I take English's classes in my preparatory one, Study in an English's school where always we practise orally and in writing, My father knows English to a great level and I can in many occasions speak with in English. Always exist  the oral practice while we study English.

    Example: Conversation
     Useful Advices
    • Always has English -Spanish and Spanish - English  dictionary in our house since this way we will be able to see as is said every word that we should not understand already be in English or in Spanish. I recommend to you this one:

    • Always if you have a doubt in class do not be afraid and question since it that you did not understand like to declare or since the sense of a sentence goes can harm you in the future. There that to take notices that many teachers do not speak in Spanish during the meeting and it often can make us lost

    • Consult videos with tutorials on some topic of which you remained with doubts there are persons who can help you to improve your pronunciation and largely your fluency.

    My Conclution

    I hope that this post has helped them. I put these methods for my own experience and do not base on a book or page specifies. The methods the aplice with me and they have helped me to strengthen my Englishman and to learn to identify everything around me. They all can learn this language but it is never necessary to forget that the key to learn this language is The practice and that everything is to his time ......
    Supports of my methods:
    Escuchar Musica En Ingles
    Ver peliculas en ingles ayuda a.....

    Here below I leave a link you where you can to find different conversations in English with all his grammar and his explanation:
    Conversaciones de practica

    My name is Ortiz Velasquez Juan Elias,                                           
    I'm Studying in Cecyte Plantel Compuertas
    and   actually  I'm in  4 Semester 
    in the speciality of programming.

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